Ultimate Returns to UUM after a Long Absence

A couple of years back, UUM was a regular participant in the developing sport of Ultimate. This past Sept 28 it was good to see a disc once more flying across UUM skies. None was happier than Stephanie Chew,  one of the original USJ Soar gang who went on to establish themselves as one of the premier Ultimate secondary school teams, often competing in the open tournaments with good success.

It was also a great reunion for Douglas and Stephanie as they first connected along with her brother William, Gladwin and many others six years ago as they organized pick-up for the Subang Jaya students over the holidays at USJ 12 field. How time flies!  Hopefully there is more Ultimate to come at UUM…


GSP-IKBN Jitra Ultimate Frisbee Fun Day Tourney


KISMEC Celebrates 20th Anniversary with Ultimate Frisbee