Special Kids Learn a Special Sport

Every school is special for different reasons. While most Penangites have probably driven by SMK Padang Polo, they might not have realized that not only is SMK Padang Polo an all-girls’ school, but about one-quarter of their students have special needs.

While GSP volunteer Leah assisted with conversational English, GSP interns Whitney and Laurie along with GSP associates Doug, Adam and Derek helped introduce the girls to Ultimate on a number of Friday morning sessions. While those with special needs did not participate in the small sided games, they had a great time learning how to throw and catch the disc … and even joined their mainstream school mates in some of the drills. Headmistress Pn Noorzela is looking forward to the girls continuing to play in the new year.


Ultimate – A Better High!


GSP-IKBN Jitra Ultimate Frisbee Fun Day Tourney