Ultimate on the Move… 3 on 3 Nationwide!

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This past April 18th, the first leg of the Ministry of Education’s Ultimate Frisbee Development Initiative kicked off at SMK Derma in Kangar, Perlis without about 50 students, teachers and Department of Education staff involved.  With a goal of helping to connect every student to sports, the Satu Murid, Satu Sukan Programme programme has recognized the potential of Ultimate to help them reach their vision. An initial clinic in every state capital will be followed by a one day state-level tournament that will lead to an October tournament in Selangor with winners from every state capital.

This grassroots development programme, is being organized by GSP with the support of corporate partner TRIO and UPAM (Ultimate Players Association of Malaysia), our emerging national Ultimate association. Encik Ismail Ibrahim, Deputy Director in the Sports Division of the Ministry of Education, believes a foundation is being laid for long term growth of the sport. “If the program is successful this year, next year we can expand it even further.”

For those wondering “Why 3 on 3?” the answer is budget cutbacks due to the flood relief efforts earlier this year. Yet perhaps there is a silver lining. With only three per side, each player is sure to touch the disc more often than in a normal Ultimate setting. Ben Ong, President of UPAM, endorsed this modified approach as his early days of Ultimate were on a concrete court playing…yes, three on three! Even today he can still enjoy a good game of 3 on 3…maybe you should give it a try!


Ustadz Ali – The Champion for Ultimate


Satu Murid Satu Sukan Teacher’s Ultimate Clinic