IKBN Prepares to Host Upcoming GSP-IKBN Jitra Ultimate Frisbee Fun Day Tourney

Many of the newbies in the north are preparing for the upcoming GSP-IKBN Jitra Ultimate Frisbee Fun Day Tourney on October 12th. Being the “tuan rumah” IKBN is especially interested in making sure its students are getting the basics before the event. This past Sept 27 witnessed a lot of enthusiasm as the Ultimate clinic began in the outdoor futsal courts because of the rain but then shifted to the adjacent fields for a perfect Ultimate setting  – wet fields and cool weather.

En Azahar, head of the sports unit and a strong supporter of the Ultimate noted that the clinic was great not only for adding understanding of the sport of Ultimate…but that Ultimate gives the students a positive activity for filling their spare time and also is a good stress reliever!


KISMEC Celebrates 20th Anniversary with Ultimate Frisbee


Clinic at SMK Indrawasih Points to a Growing Ultimate Hub in Seberang Perai